Unusual eclectic interior

Unusual eclectic interior

An Interior design project was assigned to us by the owner of “The Country House” in Voiotia Greece. The one and only requirement by the customer is to design the house interior in eclectic style. A style which rely in combining elements or styles, from different time periods and different origins, within a single space.

Unusual eclectic interior
Unusual eclectic interior
However, it is not necessarily that mixing together that many features of such a variety of styles in some design work would look chaotic. On the contrary, eclectic style is rather harmony like style, where different furniture pieces, for example, have their unique places. Also, all the elements are in a thoughtful connection with the other parts of the style in the room.
Unusual eclectic interior
We created a space with great look, artistic taste and specific connective elements. Eclectic style is the great equalizer, or the goal, which made the whole design look as one piece of work.
Unusual eclectic interior
Unusual eclectic interior
Unusual eclectic interior
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